Favorite Reads – June 2019

My favorite reads for the month of June include some superb books

Hellhound Champions/The Chosen One by Macy Blake and Casey Drake

When I find a series I enjoy, I tend to binge. Especially if the series already has several books out. That’s what happened when I read this series. I had to have everything this author wrote, which included another related series, The Chosen One. I did have favorites within the two series, Give Him Hell, Hell to Pay, and Sweet Nothings. I loved this entire story arc and I wouldn’t even begin to know how to tell you about it. There are shifters, mages, hellhounds, and other paranormals galore, and the stories are just amazing. I’m truly hoping there are more books in these series, and I can’t wait to read them.

more merrierThe More the Merrier (The Teddy Bear Club #2) by Sean Michael

A Dreamspun Desires offering, this book had all the feels – tissues required. I’ve got a soft spot for stories that include families, and this book didn’t disappoint. Logan has taken on the responsibility of newborn triplets. Talk about having your hands full. The guys from the Teddy Bear Club are there to step in and help out. This is a great series, and one I’m hoping the author continues with.

stalkerStalker of Shadows (SPECTR Series 3, #1) by Jordan L. Hawk

I’ve enjoyed every book in this three part series (so far) and this story was definitely a winner. Gray/Caleb and John are back, in New Orleans, this time, and battling more gruesome ghouls and stuff. John is sort of reunited with his family, but not exactly welcomed. This book sort of ended with a cliff hanger, but this story was complete. You just know there’s more to come with the way things ended. I can’t wait to find out the secret the author is hinting at.

knights fireKnight’s Fire (Scales of Honor #1) by S.J. Himes

This novella is a great beginning to a series, and it has dragons. As usual, the author provides wonderful world building and great characters. Zephyr is a dragon in trouble and Sir Gawain is his savior. Add in villagers who are quick to point accusing fingers and an evil mage, and things are bound to happen. I can’t recommend this book enough and look forward to reading more in this series.

Favorite June Reads – 2018

While I am on vacation, that isn’t stopping me from posting my favorite reads for June!

39924970Guardian Spirits by Jordan L Hawk

Guardian Spirits is the third book of the Spirits series and seems to be the conclusion of Vincent and Henry’s adventures. I thought I knew where this story was heading, but the author threw several twists and turns in the mix and by the time it reached its conclusion I was thoroughly intrigued. Yes, the resolution of the ongoing back story within the other books was reached, but it was not what I expected. In a good way. I love it when an author keeps me on the edge of my seat. I also love it when the resolution wraps up everything and gives everyone who deserved it a happy ending. Including side characters. If you haven’t read the first two books, I highly advise you do so before starting this one as they really won’t make as much sense or be as enjoyable if you don’t know the full backstory.

blazeBlaze by Jocelynn Drake and Rinda Elliott


Part of the Unbreakable Bonds series, this story follows through with Lucas Vallois and Andrei Hadeon as they approach their wedding. Of course, nothing in their lives have gone smoothly so far – why would they think the preceding days to their wedding would? This story takes us back to Lucas and Snow’s childhood and their hometown in Oklahoma. I enjoyed delving further into the backstory of what made the men of Unbreakable Bonds who they are. The authors wove intrigue, past hurts, and family (the good, the bad, and most definitely ugly) into a touching story that just made me love the characters more. Andrei very much came into his own with this book, showing just what kind of man he really is.

40060970Fireworks and Stolen Kisses by Angel Martinez and Freddy MacKay

I waited and waited for this book to release. I admit I did a happy dance when it finally downloaded to my e-reader. The first book in the Lijun series, this story is the beginning of Tally and Haru’s relationship. Incredibly complicated feelings of love, heartache, and despair mingle with a sense of duty for both characters. My heart went out to Haru and his struggle to not only understand Western culture, but his place within it. Of course, Tally was just as compelling a character. His heartache was very real, to me, and I just wanted them both to grow and find love and their happy ever after. But this is Angel and Freddy were talking about. I’ve come to expect the unexpected with these authors and they most definitely delivered. I look forward to the next book in this series and the continuation of a love story for the ages.